There has been a lot of controversy between buyers and sellers regarding shipping costs. i know I get a number of questions from potential customers as to why some of my items have such a high shipping cost. Believe me, If I could ship for less I would do it because I would attract more customers and enhance my bottom line. So here's the deal:
I ship almost exclusively with the US Postal Service. Fo me this makes the most sense. The type of items I sell ship better this way and frankly the overall service has been better. When I ship over seas I use USPS priority mail international. When I ship MM's, Reese's Mini peanut butter cups, or Reese's Pieces I use the flat rate envelope. I can ship up to 4 pounds of goods in this envelope worldwide for $11.75. That is what the postal service charges and that's what i charge my customers. If it is an item like mugs or globes or plates etc..., I ship either USPS parcel post or priority mail. I use the E-bay postage calculator on all of my aucions and store items. The price of shipping on each auction is dependent on the weight of the item being shipped and the size of the box. I also charge a one dollar handling fee foe domestic shipping and a $2.00 fee for international. The handling fee covers the cost of the box, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing peanuts and address label. If insurance is required then that cost is also factored in according to the USPS guide lines.
I realize that there are some sellers out there that charge high prices for shipping. many of them are legitimate costs but some are just padding their profit margin. Take the time to compare items and see what different sellers are charging for shipping. They may charge a low preice for the item but a high price for shipping or vice-versa to balance the price. Take all charges into consideration before making a decision and then decide if the item is worth it. Don't just base your decision on the cost of the item alone.